Thursday, July 14, 2011


By Eva

"I need better water to make the test,' Kile said to herself. She moved back from looking through the telescope.

Rubbing her closed eyes, tired from working all day in a small, hot cafe in the down town part of the trading market. Kile stayed up all night working on water tests.

As she moved back to look at the water sample again, there was a knock on the door, startling Kile.

“Just a moment!" she yelled at the door, quickly moving her test tubes and other work pieces to under her old, broken down bed.

The knock started to get louder. Kile moved her blackest to cover her things. "I said I am coming to the door!" she yelled, pulling open her room door.

"I know what you said," the man started in an annoyed tone. Standing outside of her apartment. Kile held her small hand over her face, blocking the bright street light from hurting her eyes.

The man in front of her was not looking madder by the moment. Kile smiled meekly," Alexius hell there." she said before starting to close the door into his face - but he locked the old wooden door with his boot.

“Not so fast, Kile." Alexius said pushing his way into her home. As he came closer to her, she backed up. Kile could not see his green eyes under his black colored hair. Sometimes he would dye some strips of blue into the black. He was taller than Kile, and had a light skin tone. Like most people here in the trading market, Alexius was along. No family - only Kile.

"Kile you're late for work." His words made her come back to the room they were standing inn. Only when she looked at his face did she see that his pale cheeks had turned a light shade of pink, “And you’re not even dressed,"

She looked down at herself," Crap." she turned to her bed and started to look for her pants and other clothing. Kile had forgotten about her water test tubes and other work pieces. She pulled on a shirt and pulled her long purple colored hair out from under the fabric and saw Alexius pick something up.

"Alexius don’t' touch that!" she yelled at him.

He only looked up at her, his face full of disappointment. Kile tried to grab the test tube from him, but only felt her arm grabbed by his warm hand pulling her into the wall.

"You said you would end this!" Alexius yelled in her face, holding out the water.

Kile looked away, not wanting to look at his eyes any more. Disappointment was the one thing Kile hated the most. The thought of one of her only friends yelling at her and leaving was horrific.

"But I'm so close, Alexius, please trust me on this." she cried out to him. She moved her body to face his. Kile looked up into his eyes, " Alexius you know that I'm careful with my work," and she looked down at the water he was holding.

Alexius started to give her the test tube, but he moved back. Take the water with him.

“Get dressed and ready for work," were the last words he told her before leaving her along in the room.

After getting dressed and leaving her home. She walked out into the busy trading roads; she was stopped by another human bumping into her.

"Get into your place, girl" the old mad said.

"Stay out of my way, old man!" she snapped back, puffing out her chest to look bigger then what she really was'

Bright green lights came up behind both of them. Kile sighed and stepped back to allow a bird-faced mad to approach her. "Do you know what this is?" he asked. He lowered his head, making the middle of the bird man’s neck look broken. When he spoke the ’s’ sounded as if he were trying to eat a worm.

"I was on my way to work, sir." Kile said, before looking up at the sky. She remembered that the name was a known Isis. A race of alien that lived on Jupiter. Kile remembered the first time she meet an Isis. I was right after Earth was destroyed.

The Isis name moved away from Kile and went to the old mane. He asked about what the yelling was about. Kile looked at them, and then ran off to the outer side of the living area.

Taking a deep breath Kile looked up and sighed, seeing the newly glassed dome over her head. Different colored gases turned over her head. She thought about how Earth's water was taken away and now it forced her to live on Jupiter.

After Earth's people found outer life forms on different planets, moving from planet to planet was an everyday occurs. Then something attacked the water based planets. Such as Pluto and Neptune - and finally the bacteria eating away the water came to Earth. Many people and other living things from those planets died.

The alien race from Pluto called the Aino were all gone. No one had seen or heard from them. Neptune’s people, the Tozi, a fish like alien were able to find out about the bacteria in advance and a few made their way to live on Jupiter. By the time Tozi's made home on Jupiter, they didn't warn earth about the bacteria. Kile remembers when the bacteria came to Earth. She was helping her father at the lake.

By the time the Tozi's had made Jupiter their home, they didn't worn Earth about the bacteria. Kile remembers when the bacteria came to Earth. She was helping her father at the lake. Kile's father had told her the water had gone down, then the last time they had visit. Her father told Kile to stay back, when he moved to the water as he used a test tube to collect it, a few water drops fell onto his hand, within a few seconds Kile's father hand dried up - and quickly followed his body.

Kile was brought back into reality as she ran into some one. She shook her head, before looking up to see Alexius. He had a worried look on his face.

Alexius's hands went onto her cheeks, “shh, Kile you’re okay."

Kile hadn’t realized she was crying. She turned her face to hide her tears behind his warm hands.

"I'm fine." she told him.

"No you’re not." he replied, wiping off her tears. Alexius knew that when Kile thought about the past, she cried her heart out.

Kile moved away from Alexius, wiping her own face off. She faked a smile, "I'm okay now."

Alexius followed her into the back of the cafe. Pushing past cooks and other workers, Kile made her way to the back of the cafe.

"Kile, Kile maybe you should go back home." Alexius told her after he caught up to her. He pulled Kile back to himself as he tried to walk.

Being pulled back by her apron made Kile almost fall. She turned to face Alexius for the second time this day. Sighing softly Kile tried to pull Alexius's hands off of her waist," You yell at me to get to work. Now you are telling me to go home," she pulled back once more - only to be pulled closer by Alexius. Kile could feel her face turn red. She didn't know why she got shy around Alexius suddenly. Kile and Alexius were best friends. After humans made their home on Jupiter, children were hard to find. Alexius was the same age as Kile. And their families seen them away, when both kids were 9 years old.

"Alexius, are you okay?" Kile asked. He gave her an odd look. Kile started to lay her hands on top of his hand.

“You have been acting odd lately." She said in a low tone, so the other workers couldn’t' hear them talking.

Alexius looked down at their hands," Kile, I don't want you hurt."

Before Kile knew it, Alexius was hugging her, pulling her closer to him. Kile couldn't move with Alexius's arms wrapped around her, " Alexius, what are you doing?"

Then his lips meet her's.

Kile blushed and closed her eyes. Feeling his warm lips on her own, felt good. She started to kiss Alexius back. The kisses took Kile's breath away. Something about how Alexius held her just felt so right to her.

Kile couldn’t' tell how long her and Alexius had been kissing, but when she heard a voice behind her and Alexius. She moved back from him and started ot fix her hair not really sure how much whoever was there saw them, her face was bright red. Alexius quickly stepped in front of Kile.

"I pay you humans’ good pay, and I see this." their boss said in a low tone. He, or what Kile assumed was a male in the alien race Adad, who came from Saturn.

The Adad's didn't have legs to stand up right. They had large wings, allowing them to stay into the air, but they also had tentacles. Adad's have an upper body resembling that of a human. They have two eyes, a mouth, nose, two arms, ears that are all humanoid.

Alexius moved to hide Kile better, "Sir, we were not doing anything wro-" he was stopped by Kile hitting his arm.

"Shut up." Kile told him. Her blue eyes full of hot tears, wanting to fun down her cheeks.

Their boss flapped his wings, thinking about how to deal with the two humans He crossed his arms over his chest," You both keep you’re jobs, but you now cannot work the same hours. And I mean it."

Alexius took a deep breath, he was about to start a fight. Only Kile raised her hand, slowly taking a deep breath like Alexius had done.

“I’ll go sir." was all she told the two males in the room. Alexius looked at him, as their boss raised an eye brow. When her boss tried to talk about her into staying and Alexius changing his times, she shook her head 'no'.

Kile took off her apron and gave it to Alexius. He looked sad, and tried to talk to her.

Only Kile had left already.

Kile made her way through the big trading market. Seeing the different alien races made her skin crawl. She looked over seeing an alien from Mars, called a Zarya.

The name Zarya was given to them by humans, mostly because human tongues couldn't say their true name. Kile remembered that Zarya was the name of a goddess of protecting all warriors in slave mythology.

The Zarya stood up right on the back of their legs, where if they wanted to run they could go much faster. They were dark colored in the skin, and they were very war like. Kile knew that back on Earth everyone in her old school class said Mars was the planet of war, they were right.

Kile looked away from the tall Zarya with a spire placed on it's back. She hoped it didn't see her watching it, but the hope fell when she heard a deep growl coming from the Zarya. She turned to an apple stand next to her.

She smiled softly at the Ashur woman standing behind the stand. The Ashur's were a beautiful race. They had big lustiest fairy like wings, they also had small little animal like creatures around them all the time. This Ashur woman had small little bird like animals.

" Would you like some Apples Miss? or that is what you kind calls them right?" she didn't seem too sure about how to speak to Kile. Who nodded and smiled taking a few apples, and paying for them.

" Thank you very much." Kile said before moving past other races and people to leave the Trading Market.

Kile walked until she got to the lake that the Isis made. The lake was large and full of mad-made water. The water was made from different gasses and other items, making it as close to real water.

The Isis wanted other to come to Jupiter and be friends. So when Tozis and Aino came to see others, there was a place for them to be at home with. Isis found a way to get some things fall of the races, so that they were all happy and friendly.

The Tozis and Ainos needed water, Isis placed lots of trees near the lake to make the Ashurs race feel more at home, the aliens from Mercury need a fire to stay alive. So the Isis made a park filled with fire and pieces to make them feel at home. Xelonen and Zarya who were from Venus and Mars were always fighting, there was a part of the market made for them to go and fight when ever they wanted too.

Kile looked at the large lake, that was made from man-made water. The water was made of different gases and other items, trying to make it as close to real water without the bacteria destroying it.

Kile sighed softly, before sitting down beside the lake. The water started to coruscate as the lights from the market started to die down. The green, blue, red, and pink colors dance across the water surface. She picked up an apple, she had gotten from the market. Kile took a small bite from the red colored apple. She notices something white coming to her in the water.

Moving over to the side of the lake, Kile tried to get a better look at whatever was coming closer. When she was close to the top of the lake water, a face popped out of the water next to her own face.

Kile fell backwards on to the ground, yelping as she felt the ground hit her back side.

A girl laughed, “Did I scare you?" she asked. The girl picked up the apple Kile had dropped when she fell.

Kile made a mean face, “Celeste, don't do that!"

The girl in front of her smiled," But, Kile you’re the only one that knows about me.” She said before taking a bite into the apple. She had long white/blue hair with slivered colored eyes. Celeste was smaller than Kile was, but Celeste was an Aino.

Kile shook her head as she got up. She wiped off her pants, “Yeah, because if anyone found out about you Celeste,” she stopped talking, watching her alien friend playing around in the lake water. Sighing again, Kile sat down nest to the alien girl.

Celeste waved her fish based tail at Kile,” by the way, Kile you’re here early. What happened?”

There was a groan from Kile. Hiding her face,” Alexius came to my house. He yelled at me about my work,” she rubbed her face trying not to get too worked up again about what had happened. Then she started to talk again “then well….umm...” Kile’s face started to turn bright shades of red. She tried not to notice Celeste laughing at her, then when I got to work. Alexius kissed me.”

Celeste pulled her body out of the water, sitting next to Kile,” Alexius and you kissed?’ she smiled.

Kile waved her hands in defense, “NO, I mean yes. Well I don’t really know what happened. Kile told her little friend.

Then she hugged her knees, “What I don’t get is why he kissed me, Alexius could find a different girl that wasn’t me.”

Celeste smiled again and started to watch her tail moving around in the water below her,” Well, the whole things seems right to me. You two have been friends for a long time. Both of you are, what in your 20’s?”

Kile looked up at her thought her purple hair” 27 and 27 and a half” she whispered

Celeste nodded, “See. Humans should have a mate by the time they hit 20 years old.” She made her tail go up and down in the water. Turning her own body to see what Kile was going to say. When Kile hadn’t moved any movement to say something to what Celeste said. Celeste started to laugh,” Your face.”

Kile growled softly,” Celeste!” she pushed the alien girl softly. Shaking her head,” we don’t mate like your kind does. We date, talk to each other, and by there some time hard times.” Kile looked down, “The only thing is” she took a deep breath.

Kile looked up after seeing the area light turn into a shade of blue. Lifting both of their heads the two girls started to see the aurora, which people could only see if they were on Jupiter. The aurora gave off a blue light that made everything, the tree leaves and the water surface turning into a lovely glowing color.

The girls laughed seeing how everything looked odd with the blue color over it. The laughing ended soon as Kile started to talk about the bacteria to Celeste.

"I'm think I'm close to finding some way to help you with the bacteria that is hurting water.” Kile said to her fishy friend next to her. Only to see Celeste face fills with worry.

“Don’t give me that look Celeste; you know that if I keep working I can find some way to stop the bacteria from eating away anything with water it in. Like you and I" she said looking at the water," just think. If I found a way to stop it or kill it off then you could go back to living in real water again."

Celeste went to open her mouth to try and fight with Kile about working so hard on these dangerous bacteria, but stopped when she heard a stick from behind the two girls. The little Aino girl jumped back into the water as Kile jumped to her feet and turned to see who was there.

“Who is there?" she yelled out into the coming darkness as the aurora started to end. Kile could hear whoever was there start to move out into the open area for her to see.

Alexius stepped out.

Kile quickly looked at the water to see if Celeste had the change to hide. Then looking back to where the person came out from, she almost screamed.

“Alexius don’t scare me like that!” Kile yelled at him seeing him standing in front of her.

He grabbed on to her arm and pointed to the water” What the hell was that next to you? Who was that thing?” Alexius sounded really mad about seeing someone next to Kile.

Kile gasped in pain before looking up at him, then to the water. She hoped that her other friend was safe from Alexius finding her.

“What was what?” she said before trying to get her arm free from him.

She heard a growl come from Alexius,” Was that an Aino?’ he held her arm tighter.

Kile bit her lip,” Oww, Alexius, you’re hurting me.” She told him faintly.

Water splashed onto both of them from the lake. Hitting mostly Alexius, who turned to see Celeste near the surface water.

“Stop hurting her, you jerk.” She told the boy.

Alexius let go of Kile and moved back immediately, “I was right you’re an Aino.”

Kile rubbed her arm where she was being held onto with,” Alexius don’t get upset.”

The hope Kile had of her two friends being friends of well started to fall as she saw Alexius back away even more than before. Celeste looked at the Alexius,” You need to be better to her then what you were doing boy.” She snapped at him.

“Don’t tell me what to you fish,” he snapped back as he pulled out his phone.

Kile shook her head and ran over to her child hood friend to try and stop him from using his phone,” Alexius don’t! Please don’t call them.” She cried out to him.

The phone was still in side of his hand went Kile grabbed onto his hand,” Kile I have to.” He said softly to her.

Kile shook her head “no you don’t. Alexius if you care about me like you were, and then you wouldn’t do it.”

Celeste watched the two humans talking, feeling bad about what she had done she moved back into the water.

Alexius looked away from Kile,” I have too, I really do. Because if I don’t turn her into the Higud then you will keep working and.” He pressed the call button on his phone,” And you might get hurt Kile.”

Kile let go of Alexius covering her mouth. She felt tears slide don’t her cheeks,” Alexius, why? I want to help Celeste about the bacteria and if I can find it about how to stop it then I can help human kind too.”

Cars started to drive up into the grassy part of the park area near the lake. The people had gotten out of their cars and walked over to the lake. One man walked over to Alexius and patted him on the shoulder. They talked for a few moments as the other workers started to move Celeste from the lake into a water filled tube. Kile moved over to Celeste and hugged her.

“Celeste I’m so sorry. I really did to help you stay here.” She whispered softly.

The man and Alexius walked over to the girls. Kile looked at the man thinking he was the leader of the little group here,” so what are you going to do? Send me to jail?” she sounded very upset.

The Man laughed softly, shaking his head at her,” Oh no we wouldn’t do that. Your friend here has told us that you have taken personal to working on the mystery bacteria that have distorted the water resources. We are working on it as well. What you call the bacteria is called the Pseudomonas dissociates.”

Kile looked at them oddly,” I have. So shouldn’t you be mad at me or something?’

Alexius tried to smile at her, but he looked so sad.

The leader patted Kile on the top of her head” No my dear child. Your friend has told me that you want to help with working on the bacteria.” Kile blinked a few times hearing the man speaking to her.

“You want me to work with you?” she asked stunned by hearing this news. She turned to Alexius,” you told them that I want to keep working on it?”

He nodded to reply her, but still didn’t talk.

“Well whenever you are ready to depart child, we will be waiting for you.” The man told her before walking over to the van, where Celeste was staying at.

Kile turned to Alexius,” thank you so much Alexius.”

He nodded slowly again watching her," I know that you want to help people and other things with the bacteria."

Kile looked down shyly," I'm sure I can come see you when ever you want me too...”

Alexius laughed softly," no you won’t. You don't change Kile. You will go and work and then forget about me here." he turned to leave the park. Only Kile pulled him back by his shirt making him stay to her.

"That is rude." she said rudely. Kile pulled out her pocket knife and started to cut her hair. Alexius tried to stop her, seeing her purple hair on the ground. He looked back up to Kile and touched her short hair now.

"You hate cutting your hair."

"I know that, but I want you to know I will come back." Kile said before kissing him one last time. Alexius hugged her" be careful please." he told her.

Kile waved bye to Alexius as she climbed into the van with the leader and Celeste. She told them that they could leave Jupiter now. Kile looked out at the park seeing Alexius standing there alone.

"I will come back, and I will find a way to stop the bacteria before it kills us all."


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