Tuesday, July 12, 2011


December 21, 2012
Friday, December 21, 2012
“I love you, I’ll see you later,” Todd said as he drove away from the curb.
“I love you, too,” said Emma. Emma turned on to her street when she heard footsteps behind her. She turned, but didn’t see anyone. She started walking again and continued to hear the strange noises, so she sped up. She ran up her driveway when all of a sudden something or someone grabbed her from behind. She screamed and regretted turning around.
“Ha-ha, I scared you BIG time,” laughed Juanita, her best friend.
“Oh my gosh, you scared the crap out of me,” said Emma, as she opened the door to her empty house.
“Have you heard about what’s supposed to happen today?” Juanita asked as she followed Emma inside.
“You mean the whole end of the world stuff they keep playing on the news…Do you honestly believe that stuff?” Emma replies as she left to get soda from the kitchen.
“Not really,” said Juanita, “but wouldn’t it be really weird of there really was an alien invasion?”
“Please tell me you still don’t think Todd is an alien?”
“I don’t think that, but you have to admit that he is a little creepy, the way you hear him randomly talk in some bizarre language and suddenly stop when you walk in the room?
“Okay, it is weird, but trusts me that am NOTHING wrong with Todd!” Emma fights back as she comes back with their drinks.”
“Fine, but I will definitely be the one to tell you ‘I told you so,’ when he turns out to be a creeper,” said Juanita, smirking.
“Okay,” answered Emma. Emma checked her watch and realized how late it was getting.
“Juanita it’s getting late, I’ve got to do something.”
“What do you got to do?” asked Juanita.
“I have to go to the park to pick up my little brother, Tristan”
“Why can’t your mom do it?”
“She’s as work, I really got to go.”
“Okay, I will see you tomorrow at school.”
Emma got into her car and drove to the park. She automatically walked over to the swing-set, her little brother’s favorite place. She didn’t see her brother and started to panic. Emma frantically searched the park and still couldn’t find her little brother. She returned back to the swing-set and noticed his backpack. She ran over to pick up the bag. While picking up the bag, she had a strange feeling and looked up. She noticed Phil lurking around his car, staring at her. Phil has given Emma the creeps ever since he tried to take her to conduct his “science experiments.” She then had this awful feeling that Phil had grabbed her brother. The one thing that confused her though was why he would take Tristan. She really didn’t know what to do, so she immediately called the police, who work for the Higud. She looked up again in the direction of Phil’s vehicle, but both he and his car were gone.
Emma saw Phil’s vehicle turn onto the highway, so she ran to her car and followed him. She was confused by the very unfamiliar back roads Phil was driving on. Emma noticed the small figure of her brother in the backseat fighting to get free. That when’s she knew that her suspicions were correct and she pursued her chase again Phil in order to save Tristan. Phil and Emma finally stopped at a small rugged old shed at the edge of the woods. She watched Tristan and his friends be forced out of the car and into the shed. Emma got out and closed her car door carefully and carefully walked to the small shed to see what was happening.
She walked up and peered into the small window and saw several different types of explosives. She glanced around the shed more and saw her brother and his friends tied up in the corner. The thing that scared her the most was the odd language that sounded so familiar to her. At first she couldn’t remember where she’d heard that language from, but then she finally remembered. It was the exact same language she always heard Todd murmur to himself. She knew she definitely had to do something, but she knew that with all the explosives in the shed, going in to save Tristan would be totally suicide. She called for help again and said that her little brother was kidnapped and gave the road that the shed was on. She kept watching Phil through the window and noticed that he was constructing multiple bombs.
Emma heard a vehicle approach and assumed that it was the police. However, it wasn’t who she thought it was. When she rounded the corner to greet who she thought was the police, she actually ended up running right into Todd. She became very scared because she knew that Juanita was right and that there was definitely something wrong with Todd.
“What’s wrong Emma, you look like you’ve just seen a ghost,” asked Todd.
“Phil kidnapped Tristan, and I don’t know how to save him,” replied Emma in a panicky voice.
“I know all about your brother, Emma.”
“How’d you know?”
“It was my idea.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I was the one who decided to kidnap your brother,” admitted Todd.
“Why,” Emma demanded.
“I sense that you would get scared and call the police immediately.”
“What do you mean you ‘sensed?’”
“My telepathy gives me the ability to sense others’ thoughts and reads others’ minds. Every alien has a special power.”
“Alien?! I don’t believe in aliens! What is seriously going on?”
“I really am an alien…well, half alien. Phil, my dad, is a full alien. I can prove it if you want.”
“Whoa, wait a minute. Phil is your dad? And how can you prove it?”
“I can read your mind. You’re thinking that you really don’t trust me anymore, and you’re worried about your brother.”
“Anyone could have guessed that.”
“Fine, then think of something that nobody knows about you.”
“Okay, what am I thinking?”
“You’re thinking that you had a feeling that Juanita was right about me the entire time.”
“What are you?!”
“I told you, I’m an alien! And so is my father.”
Emma backed up completely into the shed and felt someone grab her. Phil dragged her into the shed. Todd and Phil tied her up and set her in the corner by her brother and his friends. She tried to use her words when she heard the sirens of the police car, but the tape that was over her mouth muffled her. She tried to get the tape off her mouth to warn the police of the impending doom but couldn’t.
“Todd, is that the sheriff out there,” asked Phil in hopes that his plan would work out perfectly.
“I think it is. Our plan is right on time,” declared Todd.
Phil started to set up the bombs and waited for the police to make their move. Emma finally managed to get the tape off of her mouth just in time for the sheriff to walk into the shed, his gun pointed at Phil.
“Dad, don’t shoot him,” cried Emma to the sheriff.
“Your dad is the sheriff,” asked Todd with a surprised expression on his face.
“Yes, now let us go,” exclaimed Emma.
Phil kept staring at the sheriff and tried to control the sheriff’s emotions with his empathy. “Why did you kill my wife,” Phil asked the sheriff.
“I’m sorry. There wasn’t anything I could do, she was already near death,” remarked the sheriff.
Phil began to control the sheriff’s thoughts and made him feel sympathy and sorrow for letting Phil’s wife die. Phil’s hand made its way to the red button that could blow up the shed and everyone in it. He was about to push the button, when all of the sudden Todd ran and stopped his father.
“What are you doing, son? He killed your mother. He must die,” yelled Phil.
“It was an accident, and I was wrong for helping you.”
Todd walked over to Emma and her brother and apologized for everything and freed them from the ropes and tape. However, as soon as the last child was free, Phil pressed the red button and the countdown from 10 began. Todd hurriedly got Emma, Tristan, and all of Tristan’s friends out of the shed. After securing Emma’s safety, Todd ran back to get the sheriff only to realize he was already safe. Phil was still standing by the button waiting. Todd waited as the shed went up in smithereens.
“Todd, you saved me,” Emma said as she looked up at him.
“Do you forgive me,” begged Todd with undeniable puppy dog eyes that Emma could not resist.
“I don’t know yet,” replied Emma.
“Please,” Todd continued to beg.
She looked up at her father who was nodding his head in approval. “Yes, I forgive you…but please stay out of my head,” laughed Emma.
“Deal,” smiled Todd as he leaned in to give her a kiss.
“I’m sorry about your dad,” Emma told Todd as they drove home.
“What do you mean?”
“Wasn’t he still in the shed when the bombs went off?”
“Yes, but you shouldn’t worry about him…aliens don’t die that easily.”


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